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Pierre Dubois et Céline Nauges, « Identifying the Effect of Unobserved Quality and Experts' Reviews in the Pricing of Experience Goods: Empirical Application on Bordeaux Wine », IDEI Working Paper, n° 395, janvier 2006.

Codes JEL

  • D82: Asymmetric and Private Information • Mechanism Design
  • L15: Information and Product Quality • Standardization and Compatibility
  • Q11: Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis • Prices
  • C51: Model Construction and Estimation

Remplacé par

Pierre Dubois et Céline Nauges, « Identifying the Effect of Unobserved Quality and Experts' Reviews in the Pricing of Experience Goods: Empirical Application on Bordeaux Wine », International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 28, n° 3, mai 2010, p. 205–212.