Document de travail
Density and Integration Effects on Class I U.S. Freight Railroads
Marc Ivaldi et Gerard J. Mccullough
IDEI Working Paper
n° 93, 1999
Marc Ivaldi et Gerard J. Mccullough, « Density and Integration Effects on Class I U.S. Freight Railroads », IDEI Working Paper, n° 93, 1999.
Rationalization of U.S. freight railroads following the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 had led to lower real rates for many agricultural and industrial shippers, but has also been accompanied by increasing industry concentration and (more recently) merger-related service disruptions. This has led some shippers to call for a "competitive access" regime to replace Staggers. We test the technological feasibility of subjecting Classe I railroad networks to reforms similar to those in telecommunications and electricity.